Prior to issuing a building permit or associated approvals, you may also be required to obtain approvals from other agencies. This is the applicant's responsibility and can affect timing of your approvals.
Some of the more common agency requirements are:
- Niagara Escarpment Commission - A building permit can not be issued for works in the Niagara Escarpment Plan without an NEC development permit or exemption.
- Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority - You may need a NVCA permit for works within the floodplain, on slopes, on other hazard areas or in fill regulated areas.
- County of Simcoe - You may require a permit from the County of Simcoe for works along or adjacent to County roads.
- Ministry of Transportation - You may need a permit from the Ministry of Transportation for works along or adjacent to Provincial Highways.
- Ministry of the Environment - You may require a permit from the Ministry of the Environment for such projects as large sewage systems or those requiring other environment approvals.
Once you have submitted a building application to the Township, it will be reviewed to determine compliance with the Building Code Act. Your application will also be reviewed to ensure that it complies with the Zoning By-Law and any other applicable requirements.
Other Resources
- Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation - Affordable housing programs in Ontario
- Electrical Safety Authority - For any and all electrical works
- Ontario Building Code - To look up Code references
- Ontario Building Code Act, 1992 - To look up Regulation references
- Ontario Land Registry Office Barrie - To obtain Title information for your property
- Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs - Navigate to Constructing a Farm Building in Ontario Fact sheet
- Ontario One Call - Call before you dig!
- Ontario Renovates - Possible grants and funding for renovation projects, for eligible applicants
- Ontario Well Records - To request well record information or inquire about new wells
- Technical Safety Standards Authority - Safety of boilers, pressure vessels, elevating devices, etc
- WSIB - Mandatory Coverage for Contractors