You want to make a delegation, where do you begin? A good starting place is to email the Clerks Department and see when the upcoming Council meetings are. Once a date is chosen, a delegation request form needs to be completed outlining key information about your presentation. The request form and presentation material (PowerPoint) are to be received by the Clerks Department by Monday at 12:00 noon, one week prior to the scheduled Council meeting.
Regular Council meetings begin at 5:30 pm and we recommend presenters arrive earlier to see the layout of the room, meet Council, Clerks Department staff and get a good seat! Delegations are made in person, and staff will assist with the PowerPoint presentation by advancing the slides during the Council meeting. We recommend to presenters that they bring a hard copy of their presentation and speaking notes to the meeting to assist while presenting at the podium. In the interest of time and clarity, delegations and presentations on behalf of an organization or group, are asked to designate a single spokesperson to address Council.
We kindly ask that presentations are not more than 10 minutes, with Council being provided the opportunity to ask questions afterwards.
Upon hearing a delegation or presentation, Council is not required to make any decisions or formally approve any recommended action as provided by the delegate(s)/presenter(s). Procedurally, Council can provide direction to staff to bring a follow-up report to a future meeting outlining the recommendation(s) for consideration.