Stormwater is water that cannot be absorbed into the ground during rainfall and snow/ice melt events. Stormwater runs off of hard surfaces such as pavement or frozen ground, collecting anything in its path such as sand, soil, animal waste, fertilizers and oil/grease.

As the township develops from agricultural fields and forests to buildings and roads, the increase in hardened surfaces results in more stormwater runoff. Stormwater needs to be managed to prevent flooding, downstream erosion, and water quality degradation. There are various ways in which stormwater is managed in our Township including, roadside drainage through ditches and storm sewers and overland ditch/channel systems, and stormwater management ponds.
How can you help improve water quality in stormwater ponds and waterways?
In the Township of Clearview, all of the stormwater runoff travels to the Lamont Creek, Batteaux Creek, Black Ash Creek, and the Mad River and eventually reaches the Great Lakes. Everyone must work together to prevent pollutants from entering stormwater ponds and the natural environment.
Everything you put on your lawn or catchbasin (a drain on your street) will eventually lead to the natural environment. To prevent pollutants from entering Stormwater ponds you should remember:
- Do not pour anything down the catchbasin that you would not want in a stream or river
- Properly dispose of pet and yard waste
- Minimize the use of fertilizers and pesticides on your lawn or garden
- Recycle and safely dispose of hazardous waste such as used oil, paint, paint thinners, and batteries
- Use eco-friendly salt alternatives for melting ice and snow
- Do not release unwanted household fish, game fish, or aquarium pets into the pond
- Drain pools and hot tubs only after they are free of chemicals and salt**
- Use a commercial car wash or alternate eco-friendly car washing method
- Ensure your vehicle is not leaking fluids
- Allow for a natural un-mown buffer around ponds while respecting municipal property lines
Did you know?
Over time, sediment will accumulate in the stormwater pond reducing the pond’s ability to improve water quality. As part of the Township of Clearview’s maintenance program, a pond clean-out will occur to restore the water quality function.
During the pond clean-out, the water level in the pond will be lowered to safely remove the sediment and some vegetation may need to be removed.
An ecologist will safely manage any wildlife that may be impacted in accordance with the Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry. The sediment will be tested for contaminants and disposed of safely at a waste facility or dried out and reused depending on test results. During a pond clean-out, additional repairs may be completed. It usually takes one or two seasons for the pond to look natural again.
**Chlorinated pools: Let your pool, spa or hot tub sit uncovered and untreated for at least two weeks to allow the chlorine to dissipate naturally. You may also neutralize the water using dechlorination tablets. If possible, please drain into your laundry tub or another drain connected to the municipal sanitary sewer system. The Township will filter and treat the water before it travels back into the environment. This reduces potential impacts on fish, plants, pollinators and other wildlife.
If there isn’t a sink or drain you can use, use your lawn or garden. The ground acts as a natural filter to help remove chlorine before it travels into our rivers and waterways. Drain the water slowly so the ground can absorb it and be careful not to let water flow onto any other property.Saltwater pools
You must drain salt water using your laundry tub or other drain connected to Township’s sanitary sewer system or arrange for a licensed water hauler to drain your pool or hot tub.